About Loom and Needle

Making things out of fiber is runs in the blood in our family, from my grandmother who used to hand-weave household items and embroider them to liven up the everyday, to my aunt who continued the tradition of colorful embroidery, to my mother who used to mend everything, alter and sew clothes, and even make me rag dolls, to my mother-in-law who taught me the finer points of artistic embroidery (and the hoar–… I mean collecting of embroidery thread colors), we all loved the feeling of thread, yarn, and fabric in our hands.

Along the way, I added papercraft and painting to my skill set, but I returned again and again to fiber arts. Then I discovered adult-sized looms (I still have the tiny loom I had as a child, and yes, it can produce beautiful objects) and the true complexity of weaving. Come see what I’ve made, what I’m working on, and join me on my journey of discovery.
Masha Holl